PNG Has A New Prime Minister – Peter O’Neill

Papua New Guinea has a new Prime Minister in Peter O’Neill.

Parliament voted 70 for Mr. O’Neill and 24 against.

Opposition Leader Belden Namah nominated Mr. O’Neill and member for Mt. Hagen, William Duma seconded.

The change in the Prime Ministership follows the announcement by the Speaker Geoffrey Nape in Parliament this afternoon that the position of the Prime Minister was vacant.


Update 03/08/11


Dear Sirs

Congratulations on your chaotic power grab.

The nation now watches with angst as you position yourself to sail this Ship to the next elections.

The challenge to Sam Basil and Belden Namah is to ensure that the issues you have continuously been bitching about are resolved in time for the next elections

In May this Year Reginald Renagi had an article published in PNG Attitude titled Time to Govern in the National Interest. He wrote;

“Today, PNG lacks competent political leadership. Since 2002 the government has failed to realistically address what is wrong. So far, the government’s overall performance has been very mediocre. I doubt it will improve before the country goes to the polls next year.”

It was also in May that Mr. Namah had an article published in PNG Attitude that outlined what in his opinion was The National Interest. In introducing the article, Mr. Namah stated;

“I AM NOW CONVINCED that the Somare Government does not consider the interests of local people or the country to be of any importance.”

Mr. Namah then pointed out evidence including Amendments to the Environment Act, Dumping of Ramu Mine Waste into the Bismarck Sea and the Financial Concessions given to the Ramu mine project.

Meanwhile Mr. Basil had an article published in April 2010 in PNG BLOGS in which he highlighted the developmental challenges facing the country. Mr. Basil wrote;

“God save Papua New Guinea’ is one phrase that any one person would want to say given the country’s current situation where government services are non-existent in rural areas and more so when corruption seemed to take precedence.”

Gentlemen, you are now in power. The nation expects nothing less than fulfillment of your own words.

The nation agrees with you Mr. Namah that it does not need another Ok Tedi at Basamuk Bay.

The nation agrees with you Mr. Basil that “government services are non-existent in rural areas and more so when corruption seemed to take precedence.” It therefore expects nothing less than INVESTIGATIONS into all forms of corruption including the Special Agriculture Based Leases (SABLs).

The TRINITY for sustainable development in Papua New Guinea are (1) Investments in Governance (2) Investments in Transport and Communications Infrastructure and (3) Investments in Human Capital.

Mining, Forestry, Fisheries, Oil and Gas projects have brought destruction to the environment, have divided and destroyed local communities and have gotten huge tax holiday concessions from the State. Is that what development looks like?

Gentleman, you do have enough time to bring change because the ideas you’ve written about are shared by many in this nation of ours. You have to provide GOOD LEADERSHIP NOW and the nation will follow your footsteps.

Failure is not an option!

Kind regards

Martyn Namorong

23 thoughts on “PNG Has A New Prime Minister – Peter O’Neill

  1. About time too ! !Paise be to God for that,at long last.Now comes the hard task of picking up the shattered pieces of PNGs life in all our Provinces.

    Mr Oneill ,you sure do have a long struggle ahead of you but be determined and trust God.You must have reverental fear of God and do what is RIGHT.Go to God, for example, David the king of judah.

    Without God you will surely fall on the be aware..!

      1. Stuart,
        just a reaction to at least months and months of inaction by those fat cats others have discribed ,in my words political ‘crack heads’ ! And guess what ,Stuart !, while we have been waiting for Parliamentary process to kick in as per the produres of a normal Westminiters system;the crack heads went Awol,how about that,situation normal hah! More jokes and laughs by aiens to my shame.Sori tumas na mi bai mi makim wanem nau ; at least it is a step FORWARD !!!

        You may not believe in God but by Jesus the Christ,They both have’nt given up on my beloved motherland yet. So with confidence I say, ‘Come Lord Jesus help this Prime Minister and his ministers..the road ahead is paved with hurles and neglect of some 20years;my people are hurting in every human development despite the fact we have mineral and mining resouces,my people need YOU to help this beautiful Nation on earth… help Mr Oneill..thank you my God.

        So there you go..Stuart…

      1. No way, this must be a joke. The opposition leader niminated Peter Oneil? Belden has a score to sort out with the Somares… he has settled! walla!

        Now, wait and watch…greedy PNG government ministers. The opposition will team-up with Oniel and come after you (Polye, Arthur, Nape, Tienstein, …). You can run run run.. but you can NOT hide.

        Fat cats cannot catch a rat….the hole is too small for ya!

    1. Unless Mr O’neil has a magic wand stashed away somewhere in Ialibu/Pangia, I doubt he will be able to pick up “the shattered pieces of PNG”s life” in the next few months!
      Either man gat magic wand or em sa wokim miracle!

    2. Amen! to Monpi & Gordan…. stop calling God’s name in vain. The important message here is to ensure that narmalcy returns. Because Oneill will/may not help himself to seek God’s guidance. This an individual response to conviction…. stop the nonsensical niusance of presuming that God will help Oneill and tomorrow PNG will be brighter. Hope in God is good, but assigning hope in God to unfounded and wobble matters like the political developments in rubbish! Just leave God out for a moment.

      It is better to discuss insights like what may happen now, or what has happened. Have some wisdom to put forwards than talking God, my country men & women.

      I hope i am neutral so that Judy and Monpi can rest assure.. laikim:)

    3. Only time will reveal what is going to happen next. There is under 12 months for the new govt to create wonders… I agree with the other bloggers. But, as curiousity arose my cat I wish to share what i think.

      Apparently, the so called Young-leaders (Abel, Belden, Sam, Polye) will have to practise what they have preached. ACTION speaks louder than WORDS. The Old Boys (Julius, Mekere & Bart will take the back seats), Ah! They will seat back and smile as they see Somare Kitchen Cabinet (their terms) walk around with their tails bt their legs….heheh

      I am keen to see what Polye, Belden & Sam will do. They said the former govt was corrupt. I hope they follow though and ensure that those corrupt politicians like Patrick, Tammur, Auther, Nape & the presumed likes are prosecuted. This is The-one thing they will have to do to bring credibility to their names. Othewise, I reckon it is power hungry ploy…maski, bambai mipla kolim yupla ol kusai man tu.

      Also, what will become of the 3 discipline forces hierarcy- a monopoly by the Sepiks? I suggest reinstate the former heads.

      Come on: young leaders… LIVE UP TO WHAT YOU PREACHED

  2. There are some very important Issues (including COIs) and prolonged parliamentary debates can be sorted in this 10+ months.

    I guess the three other biggest tasks would also be
    (1) continue to establish smooth flow and fair participation in the LNG project
    (2) a high quality Census
    (3) plan for an effective and efficient National Elections

    Having said that, I hope personal pride and vendetta does not overtake the outstanding issues that need to be attended to. Because when that’s in motion then as history has it that a lot of important issues take second priority.

    GOD help us.

    1. It is indeed a relief that a new prime minister has been voted in, however, with very huge issues like the Nasfund saga and many many unresolved issues especially the inherent corruption, the choice of prime minister comes as a surprise. BUT in the land of the unexpected, we can all draw our conclusions from which ever angle we are looking at.

      The main issue that patriotic Papua New Guineans and the people would like to see would be for actions to be taken to address the various issues outstanding from the many COI’s and PAC reports and all those issues collecting dust in the waigani jungles and bring implicated felons to justice and have them be tried for their actions that is having a lnegative impact on the country as a whole.

      Congratulations to Peter Oneal and company and wish you GODs guidiance in the management of the country. The Onus is on you to make a difference..

      Charlie Yane Galegupa

      1. My gosh people, stop calling upon God to assist your useless leaders. Its beyond nauseating. In your rush to congratulate, you all seem to have incredibly short memories and forget that very few of these men come before parliament untainted by allegations of corruption.
        Judy, stop ranting and raving about God’s assistance and perhaps exercise a modicum of common sense when you are next exercising your democratic right at the polling booth. Start thinking critically about the kinds of people you are electing and start questioning their policies.
        Lets stop calling on God…I’m sure even He is a tired of our stupidity when we continue to vote the same idiots in year in year out!

  3. Monpi,

    Its your choice not to trust God to assist leaders of this nation to manage the affairs of PNG equitably. Surely, it is evident that whoever is voted in to manage the affairs of the country will never make any impact unless there is an overhaul of the whole political and beaucratic system of this country.

    A Parliamentarian or Beaurecrat standing alone can easily be broken and trashed whereas a group of like minded people of strong resolve and integrity can bring positive change and development to the country, otherwise, the country is hurtling towards disaster, so for now we just have to trust God to give guidiance to these leaders (whether they are crooks or not) to hopefully make a difference. Then like you suggested, we can vote based on transparent leadership qualities and not on tribal, religious or bribery (beer, lamb flaps, money, meri etc)….

    When every where you turn, you are confronted with corruption in all its different forms, whether its a clerk putting in a false claim, whether its a policeman demanding K10.00 at a road block, or whether a public servant demands so much kick back for a job he is already paid to do or whether its a CEO and politician funnelling millions of developmental funds elsewhere and so on, its no wonder people turn to GOD and pray that he will intervene…. Otherwise, leadership is a joke in PNG……

    1. Charles , olgeta toktok bilong you is true tumas,those who sit behind this blog site know how I have wanted this change to come about and so I have raved and rattled on and now, Bingo! it has happened.
      But come what may,I know leaders are human beings and they have a track record of every evil under the sun of PNG but I still hope and pray that one of this days a good God fearing woman or man will lead us out of the dark abyss of PNG politics into something better then the last 28 years.

      Those who see nothing but negativity,get up from your laid back ,couldnt give a damn attitude,do something to show other PNGs you are doing something constructive for the betterment of yourself and PNG,no matter how small the beginning.Now that’s what I call postive influence,energy harness and channel.When we “sit” waiting nothing happens.

      Join a NGO group and start from there,at least it is a start.God helps those who do not just toktok tasol,but action man,action !

      There I go again raving on…sori tumas…!

  4. Look if you want to quote religion, then try this on for size. ‘The Lord Helps Those That Help Themselves’

    Stop looking for answers in the sky and look at what’s right under your noses.

      1. Stuart,
        just a reaction to at least months and months of inaction by those fat cats others have discribed ,in my words political ‘crack heads’ ! And guess what ,Stuart !, while we have been waiting for Parliamentary process to kick in as per the procedures of a normal Westminiters system;the crack heads went Awol,how about that,situation normal hah! More jokes and laughs by aiens to my shame.Sori tumas na mi bai mi makim wanem nau ; at least it is a step FORWARD !!!

        You may not believe in God but by Jesus the Christ,They both have’nt given up on my beloved motherland yet. So with confidence I say, ‘Come Lord Jesus help this Prime Minister and his ministers..the road ahead is paved with hurles and neglect of some 20years;my people are hurting in every human development despite the fact we have mineral and mining resouces,my people need YOU to help this beautiful Nation on earth… help Mr Oneill..thank you my God.

        So there you go..Stuart…

  5. Just looking at the public reaction, in Port Moresby, one message is clear, the new election of the prime minister is a releave from all the bickering associated with local and inhouse politics, that has surely comee to a stop, I just got tired of reading the daily papers with news of politician arguing over procedural differences between NA, ENga and all the nonsence associated with it. Port Moresby is peacefull, the ember liquid at Gold club, POMCC, Sports Inn and Paddys, is flowing peacefully like never before. One thing is for sure, despite the new governments victory, they dont have the time to proof themselves, the other idea comes into my mine, and always there are the behind the scenes yoyo’s wholl be putting pressure to milk the well dry before June 2012. If the new PM is to be tested, he has to show what he is made off by making sure the well built between Lakatoi Haus and Lamana still has water for those who will take office after election 2012. Coruption ino ino liklik, the buia sellers infront of Vulupindi knows too much that those of us typing away here.


  6. I dont care who governs now as long as those corrupt fat cows in NA party or Somare Abal government are all gone……

  7. For all the god botherers that have been commenting, I mean no disrespect and I regret any offence taken to my comment….Religion and politics DO NOT mix. Parliament is not a platform for a pulpit and there is no place in Government for the theoretical (of which religion IS, until proven otherwise). Maybe if people kept their faith to themselves and out of politics, the world and our beautiful mama graun would be much better off……….

    1. It is definitely incorrect to say Religion and Politics do not mix. You read through historical accounts of governments and current systems of government in different parts of the world and you will see that religion and politics are closely related. Look across your boarder to Indonesia, Afganistan, Israel, Rome, etc etc…

      There has been and will always be corruption in all its different forms both in politics or the beaurecratic machinery as well as the private sector. It is about the people entrusted to manage the peoples wealth that are diverting the wealth for their geedy purposes to the detriment of the people that we are commenting on and trying to think of ways to help ourselves.

      However much we thrash religion or proclaim our need for patriotic action to save our nation, its all so much rhetoric that does not deserve response as they are just that “rhetoric”. I am at a loss to suggest anything tangible that can deliver the nation out of this current trend except for a strong willed political drive to rid corruption at all levels and ensure that the wealth of the nation is directed towards improving the infrastructure, education system and medical systems in PNG. A healthy, educated and rich population can bring about that solution we crave for become a reality.

  8. Dearest my Prime Minister, I prayed for your career that God will lead you through the barriers may come in the future.
    if I were a millinaire I would have support your Political Leadings with necesary resources that may needy for PNG.

    Please alway pray to God so that he will always be your safety in the work process as you go alone with the country’s development.

    yours faithfully,

    Mr. Daniel Yosia
    International Training Institute-Lae Morobe Province,PNG.

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